Area Chart « Chart « JFreeChart Q&A

1. JFreeChart Stacked Area Chart not continous

I used the createStackedAreaChart(), but the stacked area chart I got is not continous. There are gaps between categories (just look like stacked bar chart). But If I use ...

3. Help! How to change color in area chart background(area part

Help! How to change color in area chart background(area part by wzwei28 Mon Mar 21, 2005 11:08 am private JFreeChart createChart(XYDataset dataset) { JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart( null, null, null, dataset, false, false, false ); chart.setBackgroundPaint((new Color(0xFFCCFF)));//Light pink XYPlot plot = chart.getXYPlot(); plot.setBackgroundPaint(new Color(0xFFFFFF)); plot.setDomainGridlinePaint(Color.gray); plot.setRangeGridlinePaint(Color.gray); plot.setDomainCrosshairVisible(true); plot.setRangeCrosshairVisible(true); plot.setForegroundAlpha(0.5F); XYItemRenderer renderer = plot.getRenderer(); if (renderer instanceof StandardXYItemRenderer) { StandardXYItemRenderer rr ...

4. border on area chart

5. XY Area chart show alarm curve xyAreaRenderer

Using an xyAreaRenderer with a set up points it paints the colored area from the lower x axis to the line. I want to invert the paint and have it painted from the upper x limit and go down to the line defined by the points. The interval does not work because you cannot use a list of points, it is ...

6. Howto: Fixed height for the chart area?

Howto: Fixed height for the chart area? by Thomas Isomaki Thu Aug 25, 2005 7:06 pm Hello everybody, Im currently trying to combine and put together several bar charts on a web page, each bar chart being in its own image file. The height of the chart area (the limited area wher the bars are plotted) has to be the ...

7. Multiple area charts overlapping - color representation prob

Multiple area charts overlapping - color representation prob by sridhar_ratna Wed Aug 31, 2005 10:31 am Hi, I am drawing multiple area charts in a single xygraph. when one area chart drwan on top of the other area chart it masks the original color of the supressed chart. It neither displays the its original color or the color of supressed ...

8. Two color area chart question.

Is it possible to create an area chart that uses two colors along the X-Axis. For example: Say I have an area chart to show temperature for 1 year. The color is blue from Jan through May, (X-Axis) then turns red from June until Oct. Then turns back to blue. Please provide an example.

9. Area chart and null or missing values

Hello, I have done quite a bit of poking around, and while I have found and implemented an answer to this question as it pertains to a standard Line chart, I haven't found much regarding an Area chart. My question is how can I make it so that when there is no data at a given point in my area chart, ...

10. category area charts look like mountains, not horizons

Hi, I'm working on a project that includes some fairly simple area and line charts, and selected JFreeChart + Cewolf because of the low barrier to entry and robust configurability. However, at the moment, I've hit something of a wall in finding just the configuration I want. My spec calls for area charts which fill right to the edges of the ...

12. set size of chart data area.

This something that JFreeChart makes difficult unfortunately, because the data area is calculated as the space remaining after the titles, legend and axes have been laid out. You can sometimes fudge the correct result using the setFixedDimension() method in the Axis class, but that means you have to calculate the widest/tallest axis yourself, which is not a very clean solution.

13. put grid lines over area chart

There's no option to control this via the API, although it would make a nice addition. For now, the only workaround is to modify the draw() method in the XYPlot class (either directly or by copying the method into a subclass and modifying it there). The gridlines are drawn by method calls, so you just need to move those to a ...

14. Stacked Area chart

Hi, I am adding two series in DefaultTableXYDataset and tryinig to plot Stacked Area chart but it is giving me an exception when i am trying to save it as JPG or PNG by calling ServletUtilities or chartUtilities methods. why it is so? The exception is Code: Select all java.lang.NullPointerException at org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.StackedXYAreaRenderer.drawItem( at org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot.render( ...

18. Highlight Effect : Stacked Area Chart and others

Highlight Effect : Stacked Area Chart and others by rk_punjal Wed Apr 12, 2006 10:04 am I am using JFreechart v1.0.1 and creating a Stacked Area Chart. One of my requirements was to highlight the selected series in the Chart, i.e the user selectes the series to be highlighted throgh UI-checkboxes, and only those series should appear in COLOR and ...

19. Help required on stacked area charts

Hi, I used the createStackedAreaXYchart method of the ChartFactory class to create a stacked area chart. However as shown below the chart has a problem. The areas are not properly stacked on top of each other. There is a gap between the good and acceptable regions. Also the dreadful region appears to have not been stacked at all on top of ...

21. Creatting a Area Chart

Creatting a Area Chart by jesusmgmarin Tue Jul 04, 2006 4:02 pm hi, I have a java class that creates a chart (Area Chart). To create the "dataset" I use a variable (arrayVars) that contains the data, but the chart is not create Ok, I want only one area in the chart, but with this code creates an area by ...


24. How to configure chart area larger then the range?

I am charting a percentage using a TimeSeriesChart. The problem is when the value is 100, only the bottom part of the "shape", i.e. a square, is displayed. The range is from 0 to 100 and I want the range axis to only display labels from 0 to 100. How do I configure the chart so the chart area is larger ...

25. area chart small question

26. scaling lines in Stacked area chart

have an area chart in my project similar to the one in demo, Stacked XY Area Chart Demo 2, But I dont like the lines, in the chart, along scale. I want to see the charts like the one in the previous version, where scaling lines were not shown in the painted area of the chart.

27. Need help with stacked area chart

Need help with stacked area chart by PortlandDeveloper Tue Dec 19, 2006 7:23 pm Here is what I'm trying to achieve: I have a 3D bar chart of a performance measure score. In the background I need to show categories (good, excellent, poor) so that user can look at the bar chart and see which category each bar is in. ...

28. Chart Ploting Area adjustment Problem

Hi Everyone, I want to dispaly two charts on a single frame using ChartPanel. But when I'm adding them to the frame, one is displayed properly and other is displayed out of the frame. Now the problem is how can I adjust the Chart Ploting area in a single frame??? Like, Let say, if a Chart is show in a rectangular ...

29. Quarterly Stacked Area Chart

30. how to increase the chart area

I am facing a weird problem with using jfreechart. I am using a custom renderer to render a polar chart. The issue that i am facing is that when i render this chart with legends and title, some part of the rendered chart (as PNG) is getting cut off at the top and bottom. I tried increasing the width and height ...

32. Area chart

Hi, I tried a following, but it does not allow duplicate X values. I could not get a regular DefaultXYDataset to work either. DefaultTableXYDataset dataset = new DefaultTableXYDataset(); XYSeries s1 = new XYSeries("Series 1", false, true); s1.add(0.0, -5.0); s1.add(0.0, 5.0); s1.add(2.0, 10.0); s1.add(12.0, 8.0); s1.add(12.0, -8.0); s1.add(2.0, -10.0); dataset.addSeries(s1); StackedXYAreaRenderer renderer = new StackedXYAreaRenderer( XYAreaRenderer.AREA);//.SHAPES_AND_LINES);//.LINES); XYPlot plot = new XYPlot(dataset, new ...

33. Gradient Filled Area Charts with Outline

No, although it would be a nice feature. The difficulty is in doing the transformation of the gradient paint's anchor points - with a bar it is easy, just use the top and bottom of the bar. But for an area chart, you probably want the gradient to run from the overall minimum value to the overall maximum value (for the ...

34. Grouping in area chart

I have 3 months of data on an area chart but I want the label to just be the month name rather than nov1 nov2. At the moment I have nov1...nov30, dec1...dec31, jan1...jan31. What I want is November, December, January as the groups so the labels aren't cluttered up. Is there a way to do this?

35. XYLine Chart - grey border area

Hello everyone. I have this XY Line chart and I am trying to get rid of the grey border area. Preferably to paint another color. I read some posts here that suggested using the setOutlinePaint method setting it to null. After trying that it didnt change the graph at all. I am calling the Java methods via a CGI RPG program ...

36. Bug? Clicking and dragging in legend area zooms chart in/ou

I looked at to add support for clicking the legend items (and making the relevant series bold). I found that if I clicked the legend item and accidentally dragged slightly, the chart would zoom in or out. I found this particularly annoying and it actually took me a while to figure out what was going wrong. While I want this ...

38. ItemLabels outside chart area

39. How to get gridlines in area chart

Can someone help me on this. I want to get the chart gridlines to be very prominent on the area chart . I tried setting the ForegroundAlpha property of plot to see the gridlines over the chart but its not very evident. Would be glad if somebody could guide me on this as its very urgent. Thanks, Rachitha

40. Color Ranges in Area Charts

We have just converted from ChartDirector to JFreeChart. One chart type we have been using is causing us challenges. Could someone provide some guidance re how to do this. An example chart is available at: www[dot]absolute-performance[dot]com/images/Area_SLA_Graph.png Thanks in advance for your help. -Jerry PS. Apparently URLS and Images are not allowed for new posters...

41. Independently controlling the plot area inside a chart

Is there a way to set the size of the plot area(not the whole chart) idependently? I am generating 2 PNG charts using org.jfree.chart.servlet.ServletUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(), Both has the exact same time range on x-axis, but the first one has duel y-axis, this makes the plot area shrink in the first graph. I would like to readjust just the plot area of the ...

42. Apply colors and patterns on a stacked area chart

Apply colors and patterns on a stacked area chart by Mahitha Thu Aug 28, 2008 3:47 pm Hi, I basically got started with the stacked area chart examples and have the charts showing up. Now I need to apply custom colors and patterns for the series. One of the posts mentioned about various datasets and renderers for a plot, but ...

43. Stacked area chart

44. Problem with Stacked Area Chart

Hello! I don't want to display the legends in my stacked area chart instead I want to display the values in legends on each respective series or stack just like under Can anyone help me in this regard? I googled a lot about this but all in vain. Thanks in advance. Regards. Jugnu[/code]

45. Zooming yields wrong chart area - SWT ChartComposite

Hi folks! I'm having a quite confusing problem. I'm using JFreeChart in a visualization software which has a resizeable interface and uses the SWT, thus using the ChartComposite to embed the charts. The drawable chart area is limited in its width by a small functions panel to the left. Other than that, the area can be resized to almost the full ...

46. Vertical separators in area chart

Hello, How do you turn off the thin vertical separators in area charts - stacked area chart in particular. Some more info... this seems to happen when using the StackedXYAreaRenderer2 class, when I switch to StackedXYRenderer I can specify AREA in the constructor I get no vertical lines. But this renderer is a lot more jaggered then StackedXYAreaRenderer2 Cheers Ollie

47. Chart area tooltip problem

Hi all, Is there a way to set the area for which the tooltip is shown on a AREA Chart saved to be used in HTML? The problems is that the tooltip for such a chart appears only for a small area between the tick marks and not for all the area covered by the chart. Thank you, Marian

48. [HOWTO] create charts with defined data/plot area

[HOWTO] create charts with defined data/plot area by paradoxoff Wed Nov 26, 2008 11:18 pm I have recently worked extensively with multi axis charts and wanted to have a way to create a plot with a user-defineable plot area so that the actual plot does not get squeezed when more axes are added. This request seems to come up now ...

50. Stacked Area Charts with negative & postive values

Hello, i am using jfreechart version 1.0.11 and i am having difficulty in creating a stacked area chart that defines areas that go from a positive value to a negative value over time. It's easier to explain in pictures. Here is an example of where the chart is working fine. In the first point there is a red range, an yellow ...

51. XY charts - dynamic data, drawing updated area only

Hi, because we need to show dynamic data faster in graphs we decided to update JFreeChart sources. The reason why I post this here is that somebody can have the same problem with slow drawing of huge dynamic data. The idea is very simple. Fire an event with desired information (changed dataset, updated rectangle in axis coordinates) and send it through ...

53. Not all points are plotted in Stacked Area Chart???

Sorry, when making the example I found that my data points were the cause: these contain multiple y-values at the same x-value (for each series). Another chart tool puts all these values behind each other on the x-axis, while JFreeChart seems to use the last value that was added. The latter seems to be the correct behavior to me. Sorry for ...

54. Problem with area chart that doesn't end in the group

Problem with area chart that doesn't end in the group by marcossousa Fri Oct 09, 2009 3:16 pm Hello, I an area chart that show some financial value among the months in the year (sorry, in portuguese ). But, if I generating the chart in the current year I won't have value for the future and I want to cut ...

55. Stacked area step chart?

Hi guys, I did a search on the forums, but this question remains to be unanswered. Is there anyway to turn a StackedXYAreaChart into a step chart? I tried adding extra XY points into the dataset to simulate a step chart, but unfortunately StackedXYAreaChart does not allow duplicate x values. Any advice?

56. area chart

57. Chart anchors for Stacked area chart?

Hi, I am using in my code to display stacked area charts but I am unable to display chart anchors for each of the stacked series. (Chart anchors: Dot/Shape over each series point). I tried using the methods renderer.setBaseShape(circle) as well as renderer.setAutoPopulateSeriesPaint(false) where renderer is an object of StackedXYAreaRenderer2. Please advise. Thank you.

59. Area chart

Re: Area chart by MikeJansen Mon May 02, 2011 8:12 pm OK, I'm getting some weirdness in the stacked area chart. JFreeChart 1.0.4 / JCommon 1.0.8 (that's what's with JIRA 4.2.3): Code: Select all package; import java.awt.BasicStroke; import java.awt.Color; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.axis.AxisLocation; import org.jfree.chart.axis.DateAxis; import org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis; import org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.StackedXYAreaRenderer; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYLineAndShapeRenderer; import; import; import org.jfree.ui.RectangleEdge; ...

60. Stacked Area Chart Question

I appologise if this question has been asked before. I searched and didn't really find anything that seemed to answer my question. So, I have a need to create a chart in a browser, where I will have one line or area that serves as a goal and then with various user interactions I need to add stacked areas that will ...